Strategy Design
Renew your strategy, grow your business & improve performance
Build a portfolio of distinctive business models & competencies
Strong strategies make clear portfolio choices
Clear strategies indicate what organisations focus on and how they want to excel in creating extraordinary value for (and with) their customers. Successful strategies anticipate and respond to needs and preferences that are currently and in the future in high demand. Organisations that create sustainable competitive advantage build on unique combinations of distinctive strategic capabilities that are hard to copy. Also key: the strategic choices they make contribute to their main purpose and are in line with their culture and core values.
The strategic portfolio of organisations holds the potential to reinforce individual business activities, create additional competitive advantage and contribute to strategic agility at the same time. @FairSights we help companies to design strategic portfolios that share and build relevant portfolio strengths and exploit economies of scale, scope and expertise. Portfolio strategies direct the search for complementary business activities that reinforce existing portfolio logics or create new ones.
Strategic portfolios can create additional competitive advantage
Finding attractive opportunities starts with future exploration
Identifying attractive business opportunities and strong portfolio logics starts with exploring the future. @FairSights we use scenario thinking and future mapping in particular to foresee structural changes in markets and industries. Listing the main driving forces that shape and may shake up the future of a market or industry and analysing their possible strategic implications are at the core of building an organisation’s foresight capabilities. Read more here on exploring the future.
Projects & Customers
Over the years we have worked with companies and non-profit organisations in a range of sectors to (re)design and reinforce their strategies and strategic portfolios.
Redesign of the corporate portfolio strategy of a worldwide operating wholesaler including value-added services & capabilities.
Facilitation of the global strategy process of one of the largest worldwide operating NGOs with all stakeholders represented.
Design of the online strategy and business models of a medium-sized professional service provider.
Identify attractive strategic options for a transportation company to expand their strategy portfolio & anticipate future change.
Reassessment & reinforcement of the divisional strategy of a leading U.S.-based logistics company.
Facilitate the development of a business plan for the regional department of a construction company.